Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Family Vacation in West Virginia

Since I last wrote, I've been to West Virginia on family vacation with my extended family. This year there were 20 of us for most of the week. Steve & Missy came on Thursday night. It was all the time they could get off work.

Outside my bedroom

Even tho the rental was Monday-Monday, we left on Sunday for a couple of reasons. Primarily because Olivia was committed to work in a food vendor booth at Clipper Stadium for her rugby team. She had done it a couple of weeks earlier and enjoyed it. Both times, Phyllis and I got tickets to see the game. The first time was great. After driving 4 hours and coming home to high heat and humdity, the 2nd time wasn't so great. I was exhausted and so was Phyllis. Thankfully, Olivia's aunt & uncle came to see her and to take her out after the game. Since we were miserable and the Barnstormers were losing, Phyllis and I bailed before the end of the game. It felt sooo good to get home where it was cool and quiet. PLUS I was alone.

The place in West Virginia is near Terra Alta and not too far from the western Maryland border. So, we drove back and forth a lot going to various stores and other places. There's nothing to do at the place where we stayed if you don't play golf or do outdoor stuff. However, it was very peaceful and I read 3-4 books that week. Suited me fine. The big plus was getting to hang out with all the grown kids, grandkids of various ages and to get better acquainted with Jess, who will become my first granddaughter-in-law on July 29. I fell in love with her. She and Mike are perfect for each other.

The adult males played golf one day. Unfortunately for them, it rained buckets off and on all day. They would play a bit, hide from the rain, then go out to play some more. Gregg & Jenn were supposed to cook supper for the house. Since the game went on so long, the guys decided to take everyone up to the club dining room for dinner instead. As it was, we didn't walk in there till nearly 9pm. I think the young waitress almost fainted. She had to find out from the general manager if it was ok to seat us. He saw 20 people adding up to $$$ and said yes. She rallied and did a wonderful job for us. Especially considering the fact that a 2nd waitress had quit earlier in the evening and walked out.

The food was delicious. Just about everyone had steak with various vegetables. Even the littlest kid, Austin, never got fussy. Of course, he had the bigger kids horsing around with him. One good thing about being the only group there was we didn't have to be on our best behaviour.

So, a good time was had by all that week. Here's a picture of Phyllis the night before we left. She was in pensive mode. I moved the camera as I snapped the shot and got this really neat blur all around her. I like it.

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