Saturday, August 25, 2007

You know it's going to be a scorcher when you take the dog out at 7am and your glasses fog over! It was already 75F then and the humidity was about the same I think. And just a few days ago, I had the a/c off for a few days. The windows were open to fresh air. It was lovely. It's 3:30pm as I write this. The temp is 93F with a dewpoint of 77. Which, they tell me, means it feels like 107F. I'll take their word for it. Other than taking the dog out to do her business, I'm staying tucked up inside with the a/c. I hope it had a nice rest last weekend.

Nothing much has been going around here. I'm making progress on the blue Snowball/9 patch quilt top. When I put Bella out at 7, I took my coffee into the sewing room and ran up one combo block. I have 12 of them up on the flannel wall. I sort of wish I'd made light the center square of the 9 patch. But not enough to change them all out. I made up a bunch of sub-strata for the 9 patch. In digging thru the lot to put together a block, I seem to have made more with a dark center when I really needed more with a light center. Twice as many as the middle section, of course. Oh well.

I was also thinking I would do 20 of them. Now, I believe it will require more. Good think I have plenty of the main Snowball fabric. I was thinking of where I got that piece of fabric . I bought it about 15-20 years ago at a small shop along the coast of Maine. South of Bar Harbor, I think. Isn't it funny how you can remember exactly where you were when you bought one piece of fabric but have no clue on another piece. Well, that's the way it happens for me at any rate.

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