Friday, June 20, 2008

10 More Days

Then, I'll be off for the wilds of West Virginia and the annual Garland family vacation. This year, there will be 3 new babies tucked in with the crowd. One-year-old Sophie, 8-months-old Brady and almost 6-months-old Elijah. It's going to be interesting. I look forward to it. It so neat to have all or nearly all the grands and great-grands together for a week. Although, toward the end of the week, I believe everyone is thinking there's no place like home.

After the Africa hot spell of a couple of weeks ago, this week has been on the cool side. Especially at night. I went to a softball game Tuesday night and stayed in the car to watch. I wore flip flops and didn't even think to take socks. Olivia's night time games are pretty late now that she's in 18 and under. Next year, she'll be eligible for the new 19-23 year old league. If she still wants to play. Rugby is her first love at the moment. Mine too. Actually, for me, it's a tie between the two sports. I know I fell in love with rugby and nobody was more surprised than I. I would love to see a men's game and an adult women's. I can't believe anybody would play their hearts out more than Olivia's high school age girl's team.

She received an award for the most trys (goals) in a regular season at the rugby picnic. I wasn't surprised as she tends to run right over anyone trying to grab her. The kid's got some vry elusive moves in her. All those years of playing boy's football, I suspect. Here is her picture with her award.

I'm knitting away. I've been working on a watch cap for the Ship's Project. However, it's black and that's very hard on the old eyes when trying to frog out a mistake by lamp light. I can testify that the sun is the best light in the world to knit by. You can see every stitch no matter how black the yarn. I'm almost done with it but am a bit confused on the decreases for the crown and still keep it in pattern. So, I put it away for a bit. It's best to let things percolate instead of forcing them and making hideous mistakes. I've started a child's hat for Sophie in a yummy variegated raspberry. I just started it this afternoon. There's not enough knitted up to toake an even remotely interesting picture of it.

I got a surprise package in the mail this week. Each year, I order a pair of flip flops from the Carol Wright catalog and wear them all year. In summer for sandals. The rest of the year, they are my house slippers. This year I forgot that I had ordered a pair of Croc-like shoes. They are so ugly but everyone says they are very comfortable. I just didn't want to pay the big bucks that regular Crocs cost. By gum, these shoes really are comfortable! I've been wearing the for 2 days now and realy like them. Now, to see how long they hold up.

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