Thursday, September 11, 2008

Another Season Gone

No matter what the calendar tells me, I know that summer is gone and we are in that transitional time of "between". Not quite summer, not quite autumn. Little signs are cropping up everywhere. Yesterday, I went to the Amish farm up on the corner of Marietta & Kinderhook (see picture at top) to get some cucumbers. I thought there might be some late corn, but there wasn't any. There was a big pile of crook necked pumpkins, though. A sure sign Fall is on the way. I got some lovely tomatoes and 2 nice looking cukes.

Last night, my supper was a tomato, cucumber, & Vidalia onion sandwich. With mayo, please. Probably grosses some people out. But I like it and that's what matters. I am, after all, the same person who used to take half a mayonnaise sandwich to school when I was in Kindergarten/1st grade. Just mayo & bread. Nothing else. It drove my mother crazy. She would put other things in my lunch to hide her embarrassment. I would bring home everything but my mayo "sammich". And I still like them on rare occasions. Sue me.

Since I last wrote, we have had the Olympics, the Repubican/Democrat conventions, and several hurricanes. I refer to the first 3 events as the Olympics followed by 2 circuses. Even as I write, Hurricane Ike is taking dead aim at Texas. Due to hit land anywhere from Houston to Brownsville. Apparently, it is one of those huge storms. Not a Cat 3, but it is carrying lots of water. Mandantory evacuations are in effect. I wonder how effective that will be. There are many immigrants, both legal & illegal, in the area and I don't imagine they are too eager to leave. Too fearful of being found out and sent back to Mexico. I hope they keep safe whichever way they choose.

And, of course, I couldn't help thinking of Sept 11, 2001 when I first woke up this morning. I haven't turned on the tv other than the Weather Channel. Now, it's off. I just don't think I can handle watching those beautiful buildings fall again. Nor the debris looking like odd snow. All the people who perished in NYC, Washington DC and a Pennsylvania corn field. I thought of the families left behind. Seven years is a long time and no time at all. Babies born then are in 1st grade now. I imagine some of the surviving spouses have remarried. Some are still grieving. Along with parents, children, friends and the nation. Rest well, those who lost their lives that day. You will not be forgotten.

School has started. Before Labor Day here in Amish country. Olivia is a senior this year. She had her senior picture taken yesterday. TG, she wore her hair down. She taken to wadding it up in a big pile on top of her head for some reason. Not attractive, but I guess it keeps it off her neck. She was upset last week to find out that she wouldn't be able to play football this year as she had planned. I imagine the coaches are relieved they don't have to deal with her this year. LOL She thought she'd have her bunionectomy and be back on the playing fields in 2 weeks or so. I sat right there and heard Dr. Wilke tell her it would be about 8 weeks. O just heard (or didn't) what she wanted to hear. Plus she thinks she's Supergirl and can do anything with no consequence. On her last visit, her mom went with her. The Dr. said that, if she injured her foot now, she wouldn't be off it for a year. Thus, eliminating rugby, softball & cheerleading. It would drive her crazy.

She has 2 more weeks before she can play anything. Just in time to start practicing for the anual Junior/Senior Powderpuff football game. If she can't play "real" football with the guys this year, she will settle for Powderpuff. If you're not familiar with it, it's flag football. Interesting to watch. Melissa & Kimberly both played their senior years. Shannon didn't but I can't remember why not. I imagine the girls who play soccer & rugby are the ones who get the most play time. I remember sitting in a cold, October rain to watch Missy play. Oh, and some of the football players come dressed as cheerleaders and do cheers. They are so funny.

HYA volleyball started Monday night. Olivia played. She said she would stand in one place and not jump on her bad foot. Uh huh. Mom & I both reminded her of the doctor's warning about what would happen if she injured it. She did try to protect it. But there is no way to stand in one place when playing volleyball. Especially not for jockette Olivia. Plus it was one of the best games she's had in all these years. She had to get the foot x-rayed Tuesday. Seems she woke in pain in the middle of the night. Then, woke her mom crying. She finally scared herself. The doc chewed her out royally and forbid her to play anything other than the piano for 2 weeks. LOL And she doesn't play the piano. So, she will be only miss 2 games.

Shannon also started back to school in August. I am happy for her that she didn't give up on going back to school once she was in the work force. She is going to Stevens and is aiming to become a respiratory therapist. An excellent idea. With the aging boomer population, there is more and more need for medical types.

I already posted about the Labor Day get together. See my post previous to this one for some cutie pie pictures of the babies. Now, I belive I will do a bit of cleaning. I need a blow torch and a dumpster. But I will start in a corner and work my way out a bit at a time. My tendency is to notice all that needs doing and just quit. Thinking small might be the way to go for me.

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