Sunday, March 15, 2009


One of my step-sons turned the big 5-0 earlier this month.  His kids decided to throw a surprise party for him.  Trying to find a date for any sort of get-together in this large family takes the brains of a general.  Something is going on for somebody/family every weekend.   So, even though his birthday was 2 weeks ago, March 14 was the first free day available.  The only day from what I understand.

Mike & Jess held the party in their house.  I had never been there.  It’s in Lancaster city and is a row house.  If you’re  not familiar with row houses, an end one is the most desirable.  And that is what they have.  Mike bought it a few years back and has been restoring it gradually.  Jess has added her special decorating touches to it.  It is cute and cozy.  The perfect place for a young family of 3.

Map picture

The party was scheduled to start at 2pm EDT.  Since it was supposed to be a surprise, most of us got there a bit early.  Everybody but the birthday boy, his wife and their daughter.  Not the ladies fault.  He had gone off somewhere, had his cell phone either on vibrate or turned off and was incommunicado for several hours.  His grown kids were sort of upset but they are used to it and managed to sluff it off and have a good time with the family that was there.  I pointed out to Mike that he had hosted his first family get together.  The torch has been passed to the next generation. 

Modeling School Dropouts To make a long story a bit shorter, Tim, Lisa & Emma arrived after he was finally located down in Baltimore and they arrived about 6:30pm.  Of course, by then he knew it was a birthday party for him and was more than dismayed about it all.  Unfortunately, he missed his mom & step-dad and one of his brothers.  Mutt doesn’t like to stay late anywhere.  Since he was downtown city Lancaster yesterday, he was even more anxious to leave early.  Grace, who would have stayed to the end, didn’t have a lot of choice but to go with him since brother Chris, who lives near her, was leaving at the same time.

There were lots of adorable kids there.  Sophie, 22 months, Brady, 16 months and Elijah, 14 months were everywhere.  The boys have both started walking and it’s so cute to watch them.  DrummersSophie is used to bossing them around but I think the tide is starting to change on her.  LOL

Sophie Treasure Hunting

As for what I’ve been doing, I’ve been crocheting on the market bags like a fiend.  I’m on my 2nd bag of Coat’s & Clarks Save the Earth mesh bag.  The first one I am referring to as the King Kong market bag.  I made a mistake on it by using an H crochet hook rather than the F called for.  Surely did make a BIG difference!  I think it will make a fine thing to haul toys and other things to the beach or park.  If you filled it with groceries, you’d never be able to pick it up.

The one I’m currently working has the right sized hook and is turning out very nicely.  It’s Seaspray Green.  A lovely soft green.  My plan is to make each one of the girls one.  Not necessarily this pattern but they all were saying they wanted on like it yesterday.  We’ll see how bored I get.

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