Sunday, October 04, 2009

Love Fall Weather

We didn't have a very hot summer here in the Mid-Atlantic this summer, but I'm still happy to see Autumn arriving. I think this must be my favorite time of year. Football, rugby, leaf colors, the change in light. I love it all. Lately, my life seems to be changing whether I want it to or not. Since Olivia graduated, I don't seem to be attending sports event as I used to. In fact, the one a couple of weeks ago where she got hurt was the last time. She seems to have dropped softball for rugby these days. Plus she and Shannon are both busy with college. I took a look at one of Shannon's medical textbooks the other day. A person really needs to be in shape to lift those suckers.

Friday, I got my annual flu shot. Shannon went with me as we were going to do a couple of things afterward. Then, we met Amy, Austin & Brady for lunch at El Rodeo. I've been hankering for some tamales lately & Amy likes Mexican food. El Rodeo's tamales are not the best in the world but they are the only ones in Lancaster County that I know of. Too much masa harina paste and not enough meat. And the sauce isn't what I would pick if I had a choice. Oh well. I am in Yankeeland, after all. When I first moved here, there was one Mexican restaurant on the other side of Lancaster City. I never went there as people told me it was awful. Now, I'm wondering if they knew what they were talking about. These people put sugar (or something sweet) in their chili and barbecue sauce, after all! Ugh.

So, to honor Fall, I thought you all would get a kick out of the cute picture I found on "I Can Haz Cheezeburgers".

funny pictures of cats with captions
see more Lolcats and funny pictures

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